3-3(fri) why can't I add entries using my own computer?
is it a problem w/ blogspot or is it a problem w/ my computer? or simply that they are not compatible? this is too troublesome and too discouraging...I guess it's God's hint for me to stop keeping an online blog!
(p.s. and now...I've succeeded...I mean adding entries using my own computer...so what's that? is it bcoz I typed in english and kept it short...maybe that's the real hint from God!)
你試下係咁Epost少少野"開左個entry"先﹐跟住先再edit entry﹐加內容啦。。。雖然係一個好stupid既方法﹐但有時都work架﹗:P
我都唔知點解﹐好似以前我部laptop upload唔到相上blogspot﹐但我細佬0個部又得。。。
我試過啦, 通常都係唔得, 或者十次有一次得...但頭o個幾日又無呢個問題喎! 都唔知搞咩?! 唔知係咪因為我部腦中o左毒呢?! o係屋企upload唔到真係好麻煩...永遠寫diary都有咁多阻滯, 當年o係英國又係咁, 依家又係咁...
我估係blogspot o既問題, 我自己用o左blogspot半年左右, 間唔中都會出現呢個問題, 不過只係持續一陣, 我通常會先delete個entry, 然後再開個新o既, and then copy & paste, 有時都唔work o架, 不過試多幾次就總會有一次係得o既! 我遇得最多o既問題反而係 ── 如果個entry title用中文打, 然後想話o係"previous posts"o個度再click 番佢出o黎, 結果卻出唔到任何o野!!! 最終我要將個entry title轉做英文, 又或者要edit個entry title......
我都真係唔知咩問題...基本上點試都唔得, 但忽然有一次又得...我通常o係word copy落去, 但用自己部電腦就一定唔得, 用第二d電腦又無問題喎...blogspot似乎都好麻煩!
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