6-29(thurs) 1992 群星公益大派對
又o係youtube睇到好多精彩舊電視節目…今次呢個叫“1992 群星公益大派對”! 哈哈! 都幾好睇喎! 最好睇係張學友同李克勤o個part duet, 真係好好聽, 好正呀! 克勤唱和音又確係掂, 兩個都係唱得之人, 的確係好得, 仲要佢o地揀o個幾隻歌都好正!
我就最鍾意睇大show o架喇…但唔知點解真係無咩印象睇過呢個節目?! 同埋唔明點解全部都係寶記o既歌手?!
尋晚沖完涼一開電視個tvb世界盃節目, 居然見到一個“好耐無見”o既藝人 (唔知算唔算茄喱啡喇?!) 余家倫!!! 大家應該都唔知余家倫係邊個…本來我都唔知, 係因為前年重播“我本善良”先睇番佢…佢就係做追伊明o個個宋醫生! 除o左呢套劇, 唔知佢仲有無拍過第二套呢?!
嘩! 唔見十幾年, 佢真係老o左好多, 成個阿伯feel…有d似金興賢, 不過人o地好樣過佢!
我聽過喇。和音之嘛。。。等我9月番黎同你唱K jam餐飽!;)
芒姐, 好唔開心呀, tvb又播大陸劇喇, 點解成日都要播大陸劇? 我唔想睇0個套神鵰呀, 要睇都睇劉華個version啦, 點解成日都逼人睇d大陸劇0者?
哈哈...咁咪好囉, 慳番d時間...反正我錄o左三個禮拜o既電視劇都未有時間睇番! 暑假流流d人放晒假, tvb自行趕客幫大家慳時間, 好偉大啊!
我又真係無印象有睇過呢個節目喎...不過學友同克勤兩個好歌之人合唱, 都好耐無聽過喇!
九月...如果我仲淨番三分一條人命, 我都好樂意去同你jam番隻二千年前o既飲歌"天生一對"...
Mon Jeh,
that 宋醫生(余家倫) also appears in early episodes of 義不容情, as the younger lawyer of 丁有健's mom.
Another thing to 請教 Mon Jeh and all HK readers of this blog: I have come across this yummy slurpy blog http://chaxiubao.typepad.com/. What do you think of the blogger's recommendation (about HK local eateries/restaurants)?
I guess that 宋醫生 was only active in the showbiz during the late 80s...I think I haven't seen him in any tv dramas afterwards?
I have taken a look at the blog about eating in HK that you've recommended! well, I haven't been to "俏江南" so far...so I can't give any comment...let me try out this new restaurant and tell you later!
As for most other restaurants, apart from the "cha chan teng"s...I haven't been there...hahahahahhaaha! guess I have to try out more new places in HK! but then eating preferences are always subjective, so even if I think that place is good, many ppl would disagree...haha!
Are you coming to HK?
Yup, that 宋醫生 spent only short years in TVB.
Thx for your comment. I am a food lover. ha...ha... ("wai sek"?)
a friend of mine will visit HK later this year. I will tell him to check that chaxiubao blog.
another info: 燃燒歲月 is gonna aired on TVB paid channel. here is the link :
(i know this kind of drama is not mon jeh's preference, but please let me do some promotion, ha...ha..., 燃燒歲月 is a unique and good product of TVB).
i agree that 燃燒歲月 is a good drama, though it's not my cup of tea!
i wonder what that 宋醫生 have done after leaving tvb...but seems that he has not left the showbiz entirely!
mon jeh, 余家倫在無記七十年代已有演出!
see: http://www.linxism.com/family.jpg
佢又係邊度出身呢?! 70年代藝訓班?! 咁真係同金興賢差唔多年代喎...咁佢呢十幾年究竟去o左邊呢?!
無錯, 剛剛果集'無花果'有佢同趙雅芝的演出, 相信是第四/五屆的藝訓班同學
你睇下幅圖後面...... 咪寫住'家變'囉~
嘩! 原來佢咁老o架啦?! 我以為佢同邵美琪佢o地差唔多年代添...
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