5-1(mon) 老馮日記
睇o左兩集“老馮日記” …都又真係幾好睇! 估唔到馮德倫除o左靚仔, 做戲唔錯, 做導演都有一手! 真係好估唔到佢同吳彥祖兩個靚仔 (其實我個人認為佢比吳彥祖更靚仔添…個人喜好啦o下! 吳彥祖係靚仔, 但我不嬲又唔係特別buy佢, 反而stephen o個隻個樣怕羞得o黎暗啞底又幾funny就更掂喇!) 連做導演都做得咁好…呢個世界真係唔公平, 點會有樣之外仲咁有才華?!

呢套o野拍得最正係好寫實, d橋度得好, d位同埋個節奏亦都捉得好好…全部都好真人真事feel, 好多都真係有發生過o係自己或身邊朋友身上, 例如跌o左電話落屎坑, 講秘密俾朋友聽點知轉個頭又俾人爆o左出o黎, 又或者明明係想send sms俾一個朋友, 居然偏偏send錯o左俾你o地談論緊o個個人…相信呢d都有發生過o係大家身上! 所以好有共鳴…笑死我!

尤其係第一集有一part係講佢同何超儀+陳子聰+梁漢文一齊食飯, 明明何超儀係煮得好難食但係又要扮好食, 仲買埋cook book上去送俾人…再加埋陳子聰o個句:“你買咩cook book呀? 買幾個橙上o黎咪算囉!”…嘩! 真係笑爆嘴! 個個都做得好真, 好好! 何超儀d戲真係唔錯喎…抵佢成日有得提名什麼金像獎呀, 金馬獎咁! 同埋我相信佢真係會好似戲裡咁樣鬧人…睇得人不停發出會心微笑! 佢做戲咪好囉…當初做咩成日都想做歌星呀?

“爸爸”陳子聰真係好funny, 睇完 “四大王天”加埋“老馮日記”之後, 我覺得佢真係一個超有潛質o既喜劇演員…佢依家吹到成個波咁o既look真係fit晒佢個character, 反而以前個型仔look仲無咁討好! stephen連續兩集都搵佢做, 真係做得好o岩!

呢套o野又係搵真人演繹番呢d好“真實”o既情節, 同alive套“四大天王”一樣style…好鍾意佢第二集臨尾殺出個譚玉瑛姐姐, 仲要原來話佢係王敏德個幻想對象…好正!

又睇o左少少今個禮拜o既“15/16”…楊思琦小姐真係貫徹始終的白癡, 連森美同小儀個樣都勁鄙視佢…真係好徹底o既低能白癡lay…好頂佢唔蒲!
仲有, 原來下期八點半檔會上o個套“飛短留長父子兵”…好似拍o左好耐咁, 係咪倉底貨?! 係咪呢期見鄭嘉穎紅就拿番出o黎播?!
hoho, 仲有, in case大家miss左, 呢段由讀者科拿提供o既極精彩“黑人哥哥熱唱文文經典之作纏綿遊戲”片段…字正腔圓, 七情上面…真係笑爆咀! 值得向大家推介!
Monica Jeh Jeh, I don't Kevin's new series is that old. It was filmed last year. I think it will be a good series!
Mon jeh, I also watched the stupid 楊思琦 on 15/16,and i don't think there can be anyone dumber than her. And to think that she was a Miss Hong Kong 冠軍 (supposingly have both beauty and wisdom, but frankly she lacks both) just amazes me. There is always a market for dumb blondes, but I don't think she is even pretty enough to be in that category!
I truly think that the reason for her popularity among guys is that guys (who are themselves dumb) can always feel superior when they see her or are with her.
By the way, it was my first viewing of 15/16 and I think it is very weird that it splits the show into two parts. And it's too "sponsor conscious"... don't understand why the announcer has to ride the joba machine. Very weird and 礙眼.
I totally agree that it's really awkward for the 15/16 show to split itself into 2 parts just for the sake of showing it in 2 consecutive weeks perhaps to attract more audience??!?!??! And those ppl riding that machine is not only 礙眼 but a bit 不雅!
And that Ms 楊思琦is really ridiculous...I'm not sure if she's really that stupid or just pretending to be that stupid, but in any event, it's so unbearable! And if she's just pretending to be stupid...that is in fact the most stupid act!
Oh, and your analysis for her popularity is so true as well!
haha...I don't know what that series is all about? story about hairdressers? but since there's kevin, I will watch it and see how good or bad it is!
I think the series was filmed in Stanley. Nnadia Chan and Sharon Chan are in it as well. I think Kevin is a hairdresser in the "big" city, but then I think he moves back to a more "laid" back one. I think...
ohohoh...Nadia Chan & Sharon Chan...then I better not watch it...how come the actresses are so...?!
Haha, you don't like the actresses?? Oh, too bad because I think they are the main actresses...aren't they slightly better than Shirley though??
well...perhaps YES! But better than Shirley means nothing bcoz most ppl are better than her!
And chung chung jeh jeh has been quite OK when she's a newcomer to the showbiz in "tin ngai gor nui"...I don't know why her performances has deteriorated that much as time goes by...plus she looks so much older than Kevin (although I know she's in fact younger than him)...
As for Sharon Chan...those懶音怪again...i don't quite like her!
Haha, I guess it's true that most people are better than Shirley! But I don't hate Nnadia, I think she is a pretty good actress, and I agree that she doesn't look too good with Kevin because he looks so much younger than his age! Oh, and I don't like Sharon Chan that much either!!!
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